Using video on application forms to showcase your company

If videos aren’t at the heart of your application process already, isn’t it time you had a long, hard think about upping your recruitment marketing game?

It’s a candidate’s market out there. Throwing enough mud and hoping something sticks isn’t cutting it.

The recruitment process has changed. Creating and incorporating video content into your recruitment marketing – is what could pique the interest of the caliber of talent you want to attract.

Videos are a huge part of content marketing, laying the foundations of an outstanding candidate journey for your potential new talent from the very start of the application process.

In addition, videos are much more engaging and powerful than written words on a screen or a page for painting a picture of how great it is to work at your company.   

When Your Application Forms Let Your Employer Branding Down

Dry and formulaic Application Forms rarely do much to show off and upsell your employer branding to your ideal candidates.

This shortfall happens when the traditional methods are only designed to capture candidate details – which is absolutely necessary, however, they lack candidate ‘hookiness’. Whereas your perks, training and development opportunities, and your visions, values, and people contained in a video infuse your forms with something deeper and more meaningful.

It’s a fact The Guardian Jobs confirms and highlights:

“Research…shows that 69% of active job seekers are likely to apply to a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand, making it one of the most significant deciding factors for candidates.”

But the HR Technologist news and opinion portal go on to pinpoint why alluring job ads can sometimes be easier said than done:

“A survey of 576 respondents found that nearly 31% of HR professionals find it challenging to tell interesting stories about “boring topics.” This is where recruitment marketing videos could change the narrative.”

How Videos are Revolutionising Recruitment Marketing

Imagine how great it would be if you could put a company video smack right in the middle of an application form, promoting your values, culture, and people. A nice break and certainly a way to ensure that all your future talent actually sees the video (you can never be sure that it has been if it’s within your careers site). It doesn’t have to be company driven though, you can have many different flavours, such as:

  • Team members ‘walking and talking through a day in their life
  • Interviews with different team members across all levels of the business
  • Meet the team chats

At HireRoad, we see first-hand how videos can transform an Application Form into something far more engaging using our inbuilt forms engine. This powerful tool enables you to customise Application Forms and introduce games, videos, and imagery, to add that extra sparkle.

We’d love to show you in further detail how we can help you leverage video within your Application Forms to boost your recruitment marketing success. Why not arrange a demo with us?


Why is having a strong employer brand important? The Guardian Jobs – Why Video Is Essential to Recruitment Marketing, Chiradeep BasuMallick,

HR Technologist –